Romeo, 1 pound 6 ozs at 7 years old!
(A tribute to my mother, Donna L. Hawley, May 22, 1937 - May 10, 2006)

Tres Beau Midnight Snack - Midnight Snack is a MICRO-TINY, absolutely gorgeous, chocolate male. He is super, super tiny, in fact, Midnight Snack (Mr. Snack!) is one of the tiniest dogs I’ve ever seen, a miracle from the Lord, and a tribute to my mother. He got his name because at age 5-1/2 weeks old, he contracted Adenovirus and almost died which created a whole story in itself as told below in the “Midnight Snack Story”.
I normally first vaccinate any puppies here at 5 weeks old, but because of his unusually tiny size, I decided to wait until age 8 weeks to vaccinate this baby chocolate puppy who was literally the size of a hamster – BIG MISTAKE! He caught Adenovirus and we nearly lost him to the disease, but with diligent and vigilant intensive care, lots of love and prayer and under the perseverance of our vet and God, he is alive and super healthy today.
Adenovirus attacks the respiratory system and is usually fatal for young puppies. During his illness, I tube fed him every 4 hours, day and night, and nebulized him every 4 hours. He had to have antibiotics every 6 hours also. This went on for 3 weeks. When a woman has a baby and the baby gets up all through the night for feeding, it’s a midnight snack. One evening shortly after he got sick, he was so bad, could not breathe, could not move, could not receive the food, I didn’t even feed him, medicate or nebulize him before I went to bed – I just thought he would die in the night; I gave up on him. I went to bed heartbroken, mentally and physically exhausted. The Lord never gives up on us, and when my alarm went off at midnight to feed the sick little guy, there he was, waiting for me, wagging his tail, wheezing, but alive and waiting for me, this little puppy was my midnight snack for sure! I’ll never ever give up on anyone again, just as the Lord never, ever gives up on us. From that night on he got stronger and stronger and eventually overcame his illness completely.
At the age of 10-1/2 weeks old, Midnight Snack was smaller than a 5 week old puppy! He has all vaccines in him now, is super healthy and is thriving and playful, just a delight and joy to have around. An even greater story is this – my mother, Donna, passed away on May 10, 2006. She left us to be with the Lord while her family was at her bedside, including her son, daughter in law, sisters, brother-in law, her x-husband (my father), and loving friends (and me too!). Well, Midnight Snack was born on May 10, 2007, exactly one year from the death of my mother, on “her” day.
So at the end of it all, this is a very special little Chihuahua for us, who is given to us from the Lord on a very special day. When I see him I remember my mother. Midnight Snack reminds me every day about the power of prayer, and to never, EVER stop praying, never give up, and that with God in your life the impossible is possible. I’ve seen a few miracles from the Lord now in my life, Midnight Snack is one of them. He also reminds me that everything we have is given to us from God, God gives us exactly what He wants us to have, and it’s not what we have that’s important, but what we do with what we have that counts. We always wonder the purpose of these trials and how these little guys will impact our lives, but whatever the purpose in it was, we are so thankful to have Midnight Snack!

Below is Mr. Snack at one year old. He's still quite tiny, he currently weighs under 2 pounds. He is bold and feisty, he has the most wonderful personality ever. He is a beautiful, deep chocolate color, he is our blessing and miracle all in one package. We just LOVE Midnight Snack!

AKC Reg. Tres Beau Pucker Up Puck

Tres Beau Pucker up Puck - Puck is my personal pet, way too small to show, weighing in at 1 pound 4 ozs at 4 years old! She is one of the tiniest Chihuahuas I’ve ever seen! She is dearly loved by all of our family. Puck has a super feisty personality, she is absolutely adorable and is my little lovebug!

Look! There they are, doing the Puck and Pepe dance! Pepe (the cream and white little guy on the left...) is a little old man with no teeth, he is the greatest little man I've ever known! He's super tiny too, he weighs right around 3 lbs. I absolutely LOVE Puck and Pepe!!!

Here's little old man Pepe... He's the snuggler of a lifetime!