Sarah is 11 years old. She shows her lovely Italian Greyhound bitch, Cuchlain Tres Beau Star On Fire, also known as “Tallulah". Sarah and Tallulah compete in Jr. Handler's and also in regular classes at dogshows where they are proving to be an exceptional team. Occasionally, Sarah shows Tres Beau Amazing Grace, our lovely Chihuahua bitch featured in the Chihuahua section of our website.

“You placed the stars in the sky and You call them by name, Lord, You are amazing God…"

Sarah and Tallulah won Jr. Handler's, Junior Novice on March 14, 2009, at the Del Sur Kennel Club Surf 'N Turf Classic AKC All Breed Dog show in beautiful Del Mar, California!

On May 23, 2009, Sarah handled Tallulah to win her Jr. Handlers class at the Mission Circuit Antelope Valley Kennel Club AKC all breed dog show at the Pomona Fairplex, CA!

On February 29, 3010, Sarah handled Denali to win Winner's Dog for the points and Best Of Winners at the Silver Bay Kennel Club of Sandiego AKC All Breed Dog Show in Del Mar, CA.

On January 31, 3010, Sarah handled Denali to win Reserve Winner's Dog at the Orange Empire AKC All Breed Dog Show in San Bernardino, CA.

On December 06, 2009, Sarah handled Denali to win third in their Jr. Handler class at the prestigious Malibu Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Costa Mesa, CA.

On September 26, 2009, Sarah handled Denali to win Reserve Winner's Dog at the prestigious Burbank Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Burbank, CA.

On July 19, 2009, Sarah showed Denali in Jr. Showmanship at the Alaskan Klee Kai Association of America UKC All Breed Dog Show in Claremont, CA. They exhibited in two UKC shows in one day and won their classes in both shows! Our first judge had to catch an evening airplane home to Ohio and we didn't get pictures with him, so Sarah and I posed with Sarah and Denali's ribbons! Sarah is proving to be an excellent and versatile dog show handler. Congratulations little girl on your awesome wins!

Below are pictures taken of Sarah and Denali during their classes.

On Sunday, June 07, 2009, Sarah handled Denali to win his class, win winners dog, Best of Breed in the Italian Greyhound breed ring and they went on to win a GROUP 1 at the Orange Empire Dog Club AKC Sanctioned B-OB all breed dog match in Bloomington, CA!

On June 13, 2009, Sarah and Tallulah competed in two UKC all breed dogshows in one day - they won their Jr. Handler class in both shows at the American Hairless Terrier Dog Club UKC All Breed Dog Show!

On March 28, 2009, Sarah handled Tallulah to win her class, winners bitch and best opposite in the breed ring at the Temecula Valley Kennel Club AKC Sanctioned B all breed dog match at Lake Skinner, CA!

Sarah and Gracie won Jr. Handler's on January 24, 2009, at the AKC Orange Empire Dog Club Show in San Bernardino, CA!

On November 08, 2008, Sarah handled Tallulah to win Best of Breed in Italian Greyhounds at the Temecula Valley Kennel Club AKC Sanctioned B All Breed Dog match. They had a great winning day! We are very proud of Sarah and Lou!

On May 24, 2009, Sarah presented Tallulah in two UKC shows in one day - in the fist show, Sarah and Tallulah won 1st place in the Junior Handler's Novice Junior class at the APBTC UKC All Breed Dog Show!

On May 24, 2009, in the second UKC show, Sarah and Tallulah won 1st place in the Junior Handler's Novice Junior class at the APBTC UKC All Breed Dog Show!

Sarah and Tallulah won 3rd place in the Junior Handler's Novice Junior class at the Temecula Valley Kennel Club AKC Sanctioned B All Breed Dog Match on November 08, 2008!

Sarah and Tallulah won 2nd place in the 6-9 puppy class at the Irwindale AKC All Breed Dog Show on November 02, 2008.

Our whole family and all the dogs go to handling class twice a week where we all train with a professional AKC handler. Sarah and Tallulah practice very hard at class so they can compete in dog shows. Below are pictures of Sarah competing at a UKC All Breed Dog Show in Claremont, CA. The first two pictures are Sarah in the Best Jr. Handler in show class, and the last is her with Denali in the Toy Group.