Below are pictures of hounds who are oval track racing in California. Racing is a hobby that people and their dogs can participate in, our races include: whippets, greyhounds, Ibizain Hounds, Basenji Hounds, Greyhounds and Italian Greyhounds. Racing is the performance aspect of the breed - it's the same as teaching an Alaskan malamute to pull a sled, or letting your child join soccer. And please don’t confuse it with greyhound racing - there is no betting, or financial incentive of any kind. In fact, betting is strictly prohibited. The dogs win ribbons and trophies, and earn points toward racing championship titles. Oval track racing makes hounds happy to do what they were bred to do, RUN! And the racing enhances their athletic ability that was the goal of the breed’s originators. Race meets are relaxed, informal events where we gather to admire the athleticism of the breed and enjoy the company of friends while engaging in some friendly competition.
These dogs are our pets first and foremost…a hound will race for maybe four or five years, but they will grace our couch for their entire lives. Seeing a hound in motion, racing, is breathtakingly beautiful, it still takes my breath away every time I see them run. Pictures below include: Whippets, Ibizan Hounds, Basenji hounds, Greyhounds and Italian Greyhounds in motion, at an Oval Track Race.
The first pictures are of whippets:

Oval Tracking Racing - Release the Ibizan Hounds!

Oval Tracking Racing - Whippets!

Oval Tracking Racing - Basenji Hounds!

Oval Tracking Racing - Greyhounds!

Oval Track Racing - Italian Greyhound!

Oval Tracking Racing - Greyhounds!

Oval Track Racing - Whippets!