PacMan frogs are relatively common in the pet trade, and get their common (pet trade) name from the popular PacMan video game. The PacMan frog's scientific name is Ceratophrys ornata, and it is also known as the ornate horned frog.
PacMan frogs are native to South America, and are terrestrial in nature. They are very poor swimmers and care must be taken that they do not drown in their own water bowls!
PacMan frogs are quite large, and can reach around 6-7 inches in length (15-17 cm), although males tend to be quite a bit smaller than females. They are generally about as wide as they are long, so are quite hefty for a frog. Their appetite matches their size, and they will pretty much eat anything that moves. They will often try to eat their cage mates if kept with other frogs, so they should be kept singly.
PacMan frogs have a reputation for being somewhat aggressive, which is largely undeserved. While they do sometimes bite, it is usually a case of the frog feeling threatened or simply confusing a finger with food. The can be fed insects such as crickets, mealworms, wax worms, gold-fish, pinkie (newborn) mice, and larger mice can be fed as the frog grows.
PacMan frogs are not terribly difficult to care for, and can make a good pet that is quite attractive and interesting. However, people who like their pets active or interactive may get tired of caring for a pacMan frog. These frogs can live for 7 -10 years, so getting one of these frogs can amount to a long term commitment.
Below are pictures of a few of our PacMan frogs, whose names are, in order of appearance: Horns, Simply Green and Little Lemon.