The Pixie Frog (actually called the African Bullfrog) is one of the largest frogs in the world, measuring about 9 inches for the male and about 6 for the female. It is rumored that these frogs have been seen 14 inches from snout to vent. In the wild they inhabit most of sub-Saharan Africa. Pixies are not very active frogs, and are most active late at night.
Pixies will eat any animal that is housed with them, including other Pixie Frogs, so they must be kept alone. Pixies eat a variety of foods including full size crickets, roaches, mice, night-crawler worms, gold-fish, baby pinky mice (newborn mice) and when Pixies are full grown, they will eat full grown mice. Because of the voracious appetite of Pixie Frogs it is important not to feed them too many fatty foods. Rodents fall into this category, and although Pixie Frogs really like eating rodents, they can cause the frog to gain weight. Extreme care should be taken when attempting to handle these frogs; Pixies can be very aggressive and will eat any animal that can fit in its mouth, and will bite a human hand or finger if they suspect food is present.
Below are some pictures of our big male Pixie, Rogue. Rogue is quite aggressive, and although we do hold him and play with him, he has a ravenous appetite and eats anything that crosses his path and fits in his mouth!