Brianna is 13 years old and she started handling dogs at age 9. She currently shows her two beautiful whippets, Travlin’ Timeless Love of Tres Beau "Sawyer", and her new puppy, Summit Bare Essence "Reese". They compete in AKC and UKC Jr. Handlers/Showmanship competition as well as the regular classes. Bri has worked very very hard to train Sawyer and Reese for the show ring, and they are all doing quite well together!
Below is a beautiful picture of Bri and Sawyer at the Burbank Kennel Club Dog Show on September 27, 2008, where they had a fantastic winning day!

On January 30, 2010, Bri handled Reese to win Best Junior Handler in Show at the Orange Empire Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show at the Orange Show Fairgrounds in San Bernardino, CA! We are SO PROUD of Bri and Reese!

On November 23, 2008, Bri handled Sawyer to win Best Junior Handler in Show at the Golden West Toy Fox Terrier Association United Kennel Club All Breed Dog Show. They had a great winning day! We are very proud of Bri and Sawyer.

On May 23, 2010, Brianna and Sawyer won Jr. Handlers at the Mt. Palomar Kennel Club All Breed Dog Show in Valley Center, CA.

On May 08, 2010, Brianna and Sawyer won Jr. Handlers at the Rio Hondo Kennel Club All Breed Dog Show at Cal Poly Pomona University, CA.

On December 06, 2009, Brianna and Reese won Jr. Handlers at the Malibu Kennel Club All Breed Dog Show in Costa Mesa, CA.

On December 05, 2009, Brianna and Reese won Jr. Handlers at the Shoreline Dog Fanciers Association of Orange County Kennel Club All Breed Dog Show in Costa Mesa, CA.

On June 13, 2009, Brianna and Sawyer won Jr. Handlers at the UKC American Hairless Terrier Dog Club UKC All Breed Dog Show in Bloomington, CA.

On Sunday, June 07, 2009, Brianna and Sawyer won Jr. Handlers at the Orange Empire Dog Club AKC Sanctioned B-OB All Breed Dog Match in Bloomington, CA.

On Sunday, April 26, 2009, Brianna and Sawyer won Jr. Handlers at the Lake Matthews Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show at Prado Regional Park, Chino Hills, CA.

On Saturday, April 25, 2009, Brianna and Sawyer won Jr. Handlers at the Lake Matthews Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show at Prado Regional Park, Chino Hills, CA.

On March 28, 2009, Brianna and Sawyer won Jr. Handlers at the Temecula Valley Kennel Club AKC Sanctioned B All Breed Dog Match at Lake Skinner, CA.

On March 14, 2009, Bri and Sawyer won Jr. Handlers Jr. Novice Intermediate at the Del Sur Kennel Club Surf 'N Turf Classic AKC All Breed Dog show in beautiful Del Mar, California!

Bri and Sawyer won Jr. Handlers Jr. Novice Intermediate at the Temecula Valley Kennel Club AKC Sanctioned B All Breed Dog match on November 08, 2008.

After the match, Bri and Sawyer play together in Lake Skinner in celebration of a great show day! What a perfect team they are.