House of Tres Beau Chien Proudly Presents:
GCH CH Dunromin's Formal Attire
("Beau Ty")
An AKC Top 20 Grand Champion Dog, owner handled!
Beau is the #3 Grand Champion Smooth Coat Chihuahua in California, owner handled!

"Every day, put on the Formal Attire of the Lord: Breastplate of Righteousness, Belt of Truth, Shield of Faith, Sword of the Spirit, Shoes of Readiness, Helmet of Salvation, and in this world when fully clothed in God's Formal Attire, we can endure all things..."
Beau Ty is a supreme example of the Chihuahua breed. He is built on the top dogs who dominate the show circuit in the United States today; his pedigree contains some of the most important and influencial Chihuahuas in the history of the breed including: CH Stonehill N Rebound Cobalt-L, CH Ouachita Bravisimo, CH Ouachitah First Knight ROM, CH Ouachitah The Next Best Thing, CH Stonehill B'Attitude, and the multi specialty winner CH Davishall Cruise Control who goes back to CH Stonehill Go Round three times, and most all of these dogs go back to the legendary, CH Ouachita Beau Chiene ROM. Beau Ty was bred by Pat Levan of Dunromin Chihuahuas and Pat is the one who began his show career. Thank you SO MUCH, Pat, for creating such a loving, beautiful, happy and magnificant dog! Beau Ty was purchased out of the puppy class at the 2008 Chihuahua National Specialty Show in Chicago, Illinois in October of 2008 by CAMs Chihuahuas. He is now loved and co-owned by us and Shellie Mollnar of Mollnar's Chihuahuas in El Campo, Texas. Paul put every point on Beau Ty and finished his AKC Championship in October of 2009 and to date, they have won multiple Best of Breed/Variety wins including a Reward of Merit at Eukanuba National Championship. Beau will be shown and campaigned in Southern California by us and will become a large part of Shellie's breeding program at Mollnar's Chihuahuas. We will continue to show and love Beau Ty until Shellie calls him home to Texas for breeding duty. Paul handled Beau Ty to attain his Champion title, and they went on to earn his Grand Champion title. Beau is the 18th smooth coat Chihuahua in AKC history to earn a GRAND CHAMPION TITLE!!!
On December 12, 2009, Paul handled Beau to win a Second Award of Merit/Excellence from the Specials Ring at the prestigious Eukanuba National Championship AKC All Breed Dog Show at the Long Beach Convention Center in Long Beach, CA.

On January 22, 2010, Paul handled Beau to win BOV in the Champion Ring at the San Fernando Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Ventura, CA!

On October 31, 2010, Paul handled Beau to win BOV in the Champion Ring at the Kennel Club of Riverside AKC All Breed Dog Show in Lake Perris, CA!

On October 30, 2010, Paul handled Beau to win BOV in the Champion Ring at the Kennel Club of Riverside AKC All Breed Dog Show in Lake Perris, CA!

On September 26, 2010, Paul handled Beau to win Select Champion Dog in the Champion Ring at the Santa Ana Valley Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Santa Ana, CA!

On August 15, 2010, Paul handled Beau to win Select Dog in the Champion Ring at the South Bay Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Torrance, CA, to complete Beau's GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE!!! Beau is one of the first Chihuahuas in AKC history to attain this prestigious title, and Paul handled Beau to his Championship and Grand Championship all on his own!!! Way to go Paul and Beau, A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS, WE'RE SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!

On August 14, 2010, Paul handled Beau to win Select Dog for points towards Beau's Grand Championship in the Best of Breed ring at the South Bay Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Torrance, CA!

On July 11, 2010, Paul handled Beau to win Select Dog for points towards Beau's Grand Championship in the Best of Breed ring at the Santa Maria Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Ventura, CA!

On June 06, 2010, Paul handled Beau to win Best of Breed in the Best of Breed Champion ring at the Pasadena AKC All Breed Dog Show in Pasadena, CA!

On June 05, 2010, Paul handled Beau to win Best of Breed in the Best of Breed Champion ring at the Pasadena AKC All Breed Dog Show in Pasadena, CA!

On May 30, 2010, Paul handled Beau to win Champion Male Select for Grand Champion points (Major!) in the Best of Breed Champion ring at the Antelope Valley AKC All Breed Dog Show at Pomona Fairplex, CA!

On May 23, 2010, Paul handled Beau to win BEST OF BREED OVER TOP SPECIALS in the Best of Breed Champion ring at the Mt. Palomar AKC All Breed Dog Show in Valley Center, CA! CONGRATULATIONS PAUL AND BEAU FOR A JOB WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!

On May 22, 2010, Paul handled Beau to win a Best of Breed Select Award for points towards Beau's Grand Championship in the Best of Breed Champion ring at the Mt. Palomar AKC All Breed Dog Show in Valley Center, CA!

On May 09, 2010, Paul handled Beau to win a Best of Breed in the Best of Breed Champion Specials class at the Rio Hondo AKC All Breed Dog Show at Cal Poly University in Pomona, CA.

On May 08, 2010, Paul handled Beau to win a Best of Breed in the Best of Breed Champion Specials class at the Rio Hondo AKC All Breed Dog Show at Cal Poly University in Pomona, CA.

On January 29, 2010, Paul handled Beau to win a First Award of Merit in the Best of Variety Champion Specials class at the Southern California Chihuahua Club Specialty Show in San Bernardion, CA.

Beau won Best of Variety / Best of Breed in the Specials Ring on December 06, 2009 at the Malibu Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog show in Costa Mesa, CA.

Beau won Best of Variety / Best of Breed in the Specials Ring on December 05, 2009 at the Shoreline Dog Fanciers Association of Orange County Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog show in Costa Mesa, CA.

The weekend of October 24-25, 2009, Beau competed for the first time as a finished AKC Champion in the Specials Ring and did very very well; on Sat., he took Best of Breed and on Sunday he took Best Opposite over specials at the Riverside Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog show at Lake Perris, CA.

On October 11, 2009, Beau finished his AKC Championship at the prestigious Cabrillo Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog show in Del Mar, CA. Beau won Winner's Dog, Best of Winners and went on to take Best of Opposite in the breed ring to become a new AKC CHAMPION!!!!

On October 10, 2009, Beau won Winner's Dog, Best of Winners and went on to take Best of Opposite in the breed ring at the prestigious Cabrillo Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Del Mar, CA!

On September 26, 2009, Beau won Winner's Dog, Best of Winners and went on to take Best of Opposite in the breed ring at the prestigious Burbank Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Burbank, CA!

On September 20, 2009, Beau won Winner's Dog, Best of Winners and went on to take Best of Opposite in the breed ring at the Santa Ana Valley Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dogshow in Cerritos, CA!

On August 30, 2009, Beau won his class and won Winner's Dog for the points at the prestigious Santa Barbara Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Santa Barbara, CA!

On August 09, 2009, Beau won his class, and won Reserve Winner's Dog to a major at the South Bay Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Torrance, CA!

On August 08, 2009, Beau won his class, won Winner's Dog for the points and went on to take Best of Winner's in the breed ring at the to a major at the South Bay Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Torrance, CA!

On May 02, 2009, Beau won his class, won Winner's Dog, Best of Winners and took best opposite in the breed ring at the Rio Hondo Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show at Cal State Poly University! CONGRATS PAUL AND BEAU!!!!!!!

On Sunday, April 26, 2009, Beau won his class and went on to win Winner's Dog for his first MAJOR at the Lake Matthews Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Chino Hills, CA! CONGRATS PAUL AND BEAU!!!!!!!

On July 05, 2009, Beau won his class, and won Reserve Winner's Dog to a major at the Ventura County Dog Fanciers Association AKC All Breed Dog Show at Seaside Park in Ventura, CA!

On July 19, 2009, Paul and Beau won their class, won Winner's Dog for the points in Smooth Coat Chihuahuas, Best of Winner's and took best male smooth coat Chihuahua in show at the Alaskan Klee Kai Association of America UKC All Breed Dog Show in Claremont, CA! The judge had to leave the show site immediately after the show to catch an airplane so we didn't get pictures with the judge.

On July 11, 2009, Paul and Beau won their class, won best of breed in Smooth Coat Chihuahuas, won Group 1 in the Toy Group, and then went on to win BEST IN MATCH at the French Bulldog Fanciers of Southern CA Bastille Day 2009, AKC All Breed Dog Match in Huntington Beach, CA!

On June 13, 2009, Paul and Beau competed in two shows in one day - in both shows, Beau won his class, won Winner's Dog for the points, Best of Winners, Best of Breed Smooth Coat Chihuahuas and went on to take GROUP 1 (both shows!) at the American Hairless Terrier Club UKC All Breed Dog Show in Bloomington, CA!

On June 07, 2009, Beau won his class, won Winner's Dog, Best of Breed Smooth Coat Chihuahuas and went on to take a GROUP 4 at the Orange Empire Dog Club AKC Sanctioned B-OB All Breed Dog Match in Bloomington, CA!

On May 24, 2009, Paul and Beau won Reserve Winner's Dog at the prestigious Mission Circuit San Fernando Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show! The show was a major and pro handlers were there from all over the country, but Paul and Beau hung in there and took a big win!

On May 17, 2009, Beau won his class and won Reserve Winner's Dog at the Mt. Palomar Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show at Mt. Palomar, CA. The judge got away before we could take official pictures, so we took a picture of Beau, Colin and Paul with Beau's ribbons!

On Saturday, April 25, 2009, Beau won his class and went on to win Reserve Winner's Dog at the Lake Matthews Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Chino Hills, CA!

On March 22, 2009, Beau won his class, won Winner's Dog, Best of Winners, Best of Breed and went on to win a Group 4 in the Toy Group at the prestigious Beverly Hills Kennel Club Sanctioned B AKC All Breed Dog Match in Beverly Hills, CA!

On March 14, 2009, Beau took Reserve Winner's Dog to a 5 point major at the Del Sur Kennel Club Surf 'N Turf Classic AKC All Breed Dog show in beautiful Del Mar, California! Paul and Beau are an excellent team.

On February 21, 2009, Beau took Winner's Dog and Best of Winners at the United Kennel Club A.P.B.T. Club of Southern CA all breed dogshow.

Beau began his show career with us on January 24, 2009 at the Orange Classic Orange Empire All Breed Dog Show where he won first place in his class and had a strong consideration for the points.