Discus are the most beautiful of all freshwater tropical fish, in the fish world they are known as the "King of the Aquarium". Discus are also one of the more difficult tropical fish to keep. They are originally from the Amazon River basin in South America and they require specific water conditions, frequent water changes and higher water temperatures than most other tropical fish. Because the water in the Amazon River is soft and slightly acidic, Discus are best adapted to these conditions and this water type should be maintained in a Discus aquarium. Discus are not for beginning aquarists, and most successful keepers house them in a species only tank because of the high water temperature requirements.
Discus are from the family Cichlidae most commonly called the cichlids. The cichlids are a family of fish that include several genera and species, including freshwater angelfish and the super aggressive African cichlids, as well as others. Discus are quiet and gently by nature and it is not recommended keeping them with any other species because of these qualities.
When breeding, Discus lay their eggs on a leaf or other surface that they have cleaned prior to spawning. The eggs hatch in about 48 hours. Before the eggs hatch the parents guard them, fanning them and cleaning them. Once the baby fish hatch (baby fish are called “fry”) they don’t free-swim for about 3 days, they live in mucous that covers the skin of their parent. Once they are free-swimming they eat the mucous secretion off the skin of their parents. Because of this, the fry must be left with their parents for at least a few days, a week or two being even better. After a few days, the fry’s diet can be supplemented with newly hatched brine shrimp.
I have been a successful Discus keeper for over 20 years and absolutely love the species. I’ve provided photographs of some of my most beautiful fish for your viewing pleasure. Some of the fish we currently own are over 8 years old, are very tame, know our faces and are magnificent to look at! Please enjoy our “Discus” section.