White Lipped Tree Frogs are the largest tree frog in the world and they are the largest frog in Australia. They can live for over 10 years in the wild.
They are bright green or brown in color and have a distinctive white stripe that runs along their lower lip. The toes of White Lipped Tree Frogs are completely webbed and their fingers are partially webbed. They have large pads on their fingers and toes that assist them while climbing. They are agile when moving among vegetation but do not move as well on the ground.
They have a loud, harsh, barking type croak but when distressed they make a cat-like "mew" sound.
White Lipped Tree Frogs are found in gardens, cultivated areas and rainforests of New Guinea and Northern Australia. They spend most of their time up in the trees and are active at night. They eat insects and other invertebrates.
During breeding season, they lay approximately 400 to 4,000 eggs in clumps in water. The tadpoles are dark brown and feed on aquatic plants and algae. When they have metamorphosed into frogs they leave the water and make their way up into trees where they spend most of their adult lives.
Below are pictures of our lovely White Lipped Tree Frogs, Sage and Mint. They are wonderful pets and we enjoy having them as part of our household so much! Please enjoy looking at all 4 pages of pictures of our beautiful White Lipped Tree Frogs! They make EXCELLENT photo studies, Paul does all the photography on our site and he especially loves to work with photographing the frogs. Heh Heh Heh - just so you know, they hop and jump EVERYWHERE when he tries to take their pictures! You could never imagine how hard it is to get a frog or toad to sit still for a photo moment. To view all the pictures, just click, one by one, on the 2, 3, and 4 icons on either the top right or bottom right hand corner of this page. Enjoy!