Guaranteed to Knox is a REGISTERED AMERICAN QUARTER HORSE who grew to around 17.1 hands tall, he's just absolutely HUGE! He is an elegant, beautiful horse with tons of potential. He has a PERFECT work ethic, is easy to handle, work with, has no bad habits, and has excellent manners.
On September 09, 2007, when he was just 3 years old, I rode him in two walk-trot classes at a local horse show. He had never been shown before, and on the day of the show, he was fresh since he hadn't been ridden in two days. I didn't lunge him first, I just took him out, saddled up, rode the classes, and he took first place blue ribbons in both classes! The best part is, the rides were perfect, he never spooked at ANYTHING, not at the tents at ringside, the motor homes, incoming horsetrailers, or all the people and commotion, he never broke cadence, he was perfect. In July of 2008, he joined a family to love him and use him in the police department and as a Western Pleasure horse.