Sugar Bear is my oldest daughter's horse. Sugar is a palomino quarter horse with shatter green eyes. Sugar packs my oldest daughter, Brianna, through the show ring and all over the trails of Southern California. Sugar is dearly loved and will be with us for the rest of her life. Sugar is AWESOME!!!!! (So is Brianna!)
On October 14, 2007, we took Bri and Sugar to the Pepperglen Horse Show. She was entered in 4 classes, three walk-trot and one walk trot over ground poles. They took a ribbon in every class! The walk trot over ground poles actually required them to trot a jump course over ground poles instead of jumps; they did really well, they memorized the course and got through with no refusals and displayed excellent form! They took a 5th place ribbon in that class against all the big hunter/jumper horses and accomplished hunter ponies. Sugar is a compact, stout little quarter horse, and it's rough competition against the warmblood and thoroughbred horses around here. The classes were very large, they had a great day! CONGRATULATIONS Bri and Sugar!