House of Tres Beau Chien proudly presents:
AKC Reg. and AKC Multi BOV/BOS GRAND CHAMPION: GCH CH RD's Tres Beau Grace Like Rain
Emma is currently the #3 AKC Long Coat Grand Champion in California, owner handled by Colin!

"God always gives us grace like rain, always..."
"Sweet Emma Jean" comes to us from DeAnne B. Little of DuLittle Pugs and Chihuahuas in Texas. We are absolutely blessed to have Emma, she was sent to us from DeAnne for Colin as his show prospect, and they have proven to be an exceptional show team! Colin just loves her and he and Emma do lots of things together. She adores him; thank you DeAnna for making a little child's dream come true. When we first got Emma, we had to choose a show name for her. I asked Colin what he wanted to name her, and he said, "Mommy, I want to name her Grace Like Rain". And I said, why Colin, why that? And he said, "because Mommy, God always gives us grace like rain, He always gives us grace like rain." We're so proud of this exceptional show team, and thank you again DeAnne. We just love Emma! Colin handled Emma to attain her Champion title, and they went on to earn her Grand Champion title. Emma is the 28th Long Coat Chihuahua in AKC history to earn a GRAND CHAMPION TITLE!!!
On January 30, 2011, Emma went BOS in the champion ring over top specials at Orange Empire Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in San Barnardino, CA.

Colin qualified Emma and was invited to compete with her at the 2010 AKC Eukanuba National Championship Dog Show in Long Beach, CA! He presented her at Eukanuba, they didn't get an award, but here's what he had to say about it: "Mommy, Eukanuba is a lot like ice fishing in Michigan. You work really hard to get there, you have to be patient and skilled, there's only a slight chance you'll get anything, and if you get something it's great, and if you don't get anything, it's still great!" We're so proud of Colin, he told us that competing at Eukanuba was the best dog show of his life!!! And as always, he and Emma did an excellent job.

Below are pictures during Colin's presentation of Emma at Eukanuba, they did an AWESOME job:

On October 09, 2010, Colin handled GRAND CHAMPION Emma to win Best of Variety over top specials in the Champion Ring at the prestigious Toy Dog Fanciers of North San Diego Kennel Club AKC Toy Dog Specialty Show in San Diego, CA!

On August 28, 2010, Colin handled GRAND CHAMPION Emma to win Best Opposite in the Champion Ring at the prestigious Santa Barbara Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Santa Barbara, CA!

On August 15, 2010, Colin handled Emma to win Select Bitch in the Champion Ring at the South Bay Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Torrance, CA, to complete Emma's GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE!!! Emma is one of the first Chihuahuas in AKC history to attain this prestigious title, and Colin handled her to her Championship and Grand Championship all on his own!!! Way to go Colin and Emma, A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS, WE'RE SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!

On June 20, 2010, Colin handled Emma to win Best of Oposite in the Champion Ring at the Bahia Sur Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Chula Vista, CA.

On May 22, 2010, Colin handled Emma to win Best of Breed over top specials in the Champion Ring at the Mt. Palomar Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Valley Center, CA!!! CONGRATULATIONS COLIN AND EMMA!!!!!! They did an AWESOME job in the Toy Group also!

On May 02, 2010, Colin and Emma competed in the Best of Breed Specials Ring at the Lake Matthews Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Chino Hills, CA where they won BEST OF BREED over top Specials!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS COLIN AND EMMA!!!!!! They did an excellent job in the Toy Group too!

On May 30, 2010, Colin handled Emma to win a Major Champion Select for points towards her Grand Championship at the Antelope Valley Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show at Pomona Fairplex, CA!

On May 29, 2010, Colin handled Emma to win a Major Champion Select for points towards her Grand Championship at the Mission Circuit Los Encinos AKC All Breed Dog Show at Pomona Fairplex, CA!

On May 23, 2010, Colin handled Emma to win Champion Select for points towards her Grand Championship at the Mt. Palomar AKC All Breed Dog Show in Valley Center, CA.

On May 01, 2010, Colin and Emma competed in the Best of Breed Specials Ring at the Lake Matthews Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Chino Hills, CA. They won Best Opposite in the Best of Breed class!

On March 21, 2010, Colin and Emma competed in the Best of Breed Specials Ring at the prestigious Del Sur Kennel Club Surf'N Turf Classic AKC All Breed Dog Show in Del Mar, CA. They won Best Opposite in the Best of Breed class!

On March 20, 2010, Colin and Emma competed in the Best of Breed Specials Ring at the prestigious Del Sur Kennel Club Surf'N Turf Classic AKC All Breed Dog Show in Del Mar, CA. They won Best Opposite in the Best of Breed class!

On January 10, 2010, Colin and Emma competed in the Best of Breed Specials Ring at the prestigious Palm Springs Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Palm Springs, CA. There were over 46 longcoat Chihuahuas entered. They won Best Opposite to the Number One Chihuahua in the country in the Best of Breed class!

On January 09, 2010, Colin and Emma competed in the Best of Breed Specials Ring at the prestigious Palm Springs Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Palm Springs, CA. There were over 43 longcoat Chihuahuas entered, Emma competed as a new champion. They won Best Oppposite to the Number One Chihuahua in the country, and went on to receive an Award of Merit from the Best of Breed class! What an AWESOME way to start the New Year, CONGRATULATIONS Colin and Emma!

On December 06, 2009, Emma became an AKC Champion when Colin and Emma won the American Bred class and took Winner's Bitch for the points at the Malibu Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Costa Mesa, CA! December 06 is Paul's birthday, so Colin finished Emma on his father's birthday! What a great birthday present, we're so very proud of Colin and Emma and it was a very special day for our entire family.

On December 05, 2009, Colin and Emma won the American Bred class and took Winner's Bitch for the points at the Shoreline Dog Fanciers Association of Orange County Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Costa Mesa, CA!

On October 11, 2009, Colin and Emma won the American Bred class and took Reserve Winner's Bitch at the Cabrillo Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Del Mar, CA!

On October 10, 2009, Colin and Emma won the LongCoat Chihuahua American Bred class and took Winner's Bitch/Best of Winner's/Best Opposite in the breed ring at the Cabrillo Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Del Mar, CA!

On Sunday, September 20, 2009, Colin and Emma won the American Bred class at the Cerritos/Santa Ana Valley Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Cerritos, CA! This was a huge entry, the show was a 5 point major in longcoat Chihuahuas.

After spending the summer in Michigan with his grandparents and taking the summer dogshow season off, Colin and Emma took Reserve Winner's Bitch on August 30, 2009, at the prestigious Santa Barbara Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Santa Barbara, CA!

On June 07, 2009, Colin handled Emma to win their class, win Winners Bitch, Best of Breed Long Coat Chihuahuas and went on to take a GROUP 3 at the Orange Empire Dog Club AKC Sanctioned B-OB All Breed dog match in Bloomington, CA!

On May 02, 2009, Colin handled Emma to win their class, win Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for the points at the Rio Hondo Kennel Club AKC All Breed dog show at Cal State Poly University! This little boy has taken back to back majors over three weekends!!! Congratulations once again to an AWESOME show team! Emma is Colin's new show prospect and they've started their show career with an exceptional start! Watch for Colin and Emma in the ring this summer, 2009.

On Sunday, April 26, 2009, Colin handled Emma to win their class and win Winners Bitch/Major for the points at the Lake Matthews Kennel Club AKC All Breed dog show! This little boy has taken back to back majors in one weekend!!! Congratulations Colin and Emma!

On Saturday, April 25, 2009, Colin handled Emma to win their class and win Winners Bitch/Major for the points at the Lake Matthews Kennel Club AKC All Breed dog show! Congratulations once again to an AWESOME show team!

On April 19, 2009, Colin handled Emma to win their class, take Winners Bitch for the points and Best of Winners for A MAJOR at the Angeles Canyon Dog Club AKC dog show! Congratulations to an absolutely AWESOME show team!

Below are pictures from Colin and Emmas's class at the Angeles Canyon Dog Club AKC All Breed Dog show on April 19, 2009.

Colin and Emma made their show ring debut at the Del Sur Kennel Club Surf 'N Turf Classic AKC All Breed Dog show on March 14, 2009 in beautiful Del Mar, California! They won their puppy class and went on to win Reserve Winners Bitch to a 5 point major!

Below are pictures from Colin and Emmas's class at the Del Sur Kennel Club Surf 'N Turf Classic AKC All Breed Dog show on March 14, 2009.

On Saturday, July 10, 2010, Emma won BEST OF VARIETY over multiple top specials (Major) at the Santa Maria Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog show in Ventura, CA! Colin was in Michigan with his grandparents during this show, so Paul and I thought we'd "sneak" out and show Emma, just for fun, and she won BOV with Paul showing her!!!