House of Tres Beau Chien proudly presents:
AKC Reg. and Major Champion Pointed: HI-C TRES BEAU TRUTH AND GRACE

"He rules the earth with truth and grace...Let earth receive her king..." (lyric from an all time favorite song, Joy to the World)
Angelina is a beautiful smooth-coat female puppy with an outstanding pedigree based on legendary champion show dogs who have dominated the show ring for the past 15 years. She is one of the most gorgeous Chihuahuas we have ever seen.
On December 11, 2010, Angelina won her 9-12 puppy class, went on to win Winner's Bitch (Major!) for the points, BEST OF WINNERS, and BEST OPPOSITE over Top Specials in the breed ring at the Shoreline Dog Fanciers Association Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Orange County, CA!

On November 07, 2010, Angelina won her 9-12 puppy class, went on to win Winner's Bitch (Major!) for the points, BEST OF WINNERS, and BEST OPPOSITE in the breed ring at the Angelope Valley Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Angeles Canyon, CA!

On October 16, 2010, Angelina won her 9-12 puppy class, went on to win Winner's Bitch for the points, BEST OF WINNERS, and BEST OPPOSITE in the breed ring at the Cabrillo Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Del Mar, CA!

On August 15, 2010, Angelina won her 9-12 puppy class, went on to win Winner's Bitch for the points (Major), BEST OF WINNERS, and BEST OPPOSITE in the breed ring at the South Bay Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Torrance, CA!

On July 10, 2010, Angelina won her 9-12 puppy class, went on to win Winner's Bitch for the points, BEST OF WINNERS, and BEST OPPOSITE in the breed ring at the Santa Maria Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Ventura, CA!

On Father's Day, June 20, 2010, Angelina won her 6-9 puppy class, went on to win Winner's Bitch for the points, BEST OF WINNERS, and BEST OPPOSITE in the breed ring at the Bahia Sur Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Chula Vista, CA!

On June 05, 2010, Angelina won her 6-9 puppy class and went on to win Reserve Winner's Bitch at the Pasadena Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Pasadena, CA!

On May 30, 2010, Angelina won her 6-9 puppy class and went on to win Reserve Winner's Bitch to a major at the Antelope Valley Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show at Pomona Fairplex, CA!

On May 22, 2010, Angelina won her 6-9 puppy class and went on to win Reserve Winner's Bitch at the Mt. Palomar Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog Show in Valley Center, CA!

Angelina debuted in the show ring at the Angelus Canyon Kennel Club AKC All Breed Dog show on April 24, 2010 where she won Reserve Winner's Bitch out of the 6-9 puppy bitch class.

On May 17, 2010, Angelina won her puppy class, won best smooth coat female and went on to win BEST IN MATCH/BEST OF BREED Chihuahua in show over all entries at the Southern California Chihuahua Club AKC Chihuahua Specialty Match at Wesley Snipes Park in Norco, CA! Our judge was Mrs. Donna Greenameyer, Licensed AKC and UKC judge and prominent Chihuahua breeder/show exhibitor for over 40 years.